RWPOA Website

Keep up to date with the latest RWPOA news

This site has been established to facilitate communications among the board and membership of the Rolling Woods Property Owners Association. All Association announcements will be posted here. Meeting Notes for Board and General Membership meetings will also be posted. Send suggested changes or new posts to Joan Harrison at

Rolling Woods Property Owner’s Association
P.O. Box 661
Orange, Virginia 22960

April 8, 2023

RWPOA 4-8-23 Board Meeting Notes

A Rolling Woods Property Owners Association Board Meeting was held on Saturday April 8, 2023 at President David Loving’s house. In attendance were President Dave Loving, Treasurer Joan Harrison, Secretary Doug Harrison, and Board Members Terry Thornton and Millie Miller. Vice President Cathy Hillyard and Board Member Kyle Bennet were absent.

The purpose of the meeting was to prepare for the May 6 Annual Membership Meeting. 

Board Elections

• We currently have 7 board members and could use two more members to complete the board. • Dave, Kyle and Terry have indicated they will run again. Doug and Joan have indicated they are looking for replacements after holding their positions for 12+ years but are willing to run again. • Dave will follow up on addition/ replacement possibilities for the May Meeting.


• Three years ago, the Board submitted a proposed update to the covenants with the intent to remove unnecessary restrictions (which are virtually unenforceable anyway). • Ballots were included in the annual Mailing for those who had not yet responded. • Only active members (those who are up to date on dues payments) are eligible to participate. We have been informed by our lawyer that 2/3 of active members must vote in favor of the changes to affect the revision of covenants. The Board believes we have adequate support for the revisions. Dave will meet with our lawyer to confirm that we have followed the Covenant revision regulations laid out in the covenants and in county statutes. • We have targeted the end of 2023 to complete this activity.


• Joan provided a Treasurer’s Report as shown in Attachment I. Since interest rates have finally risen, we have invested in interest bearing Certificates of Deposit and bank accounts to maximize return. These are tabulated in the report. • Emails have been sent to all delinquent members requesting that dues be paid in full. Our dues are far less than comparable HOA’s in the area, primarily because we rely on volunteers to maintain the Association. As provided for in the by-laws, a $25 late fee is assessed for payment received after the Annual Meeting.
• We have been informed that we should maintain funding available to repair and maintain Association capital assets (docks and mailboxes) without the need for a special assessment. • Dock replacement is estimated at a minimum of $150,000, which we do not now have. The current plan is to continue to repair docks as necessary out of current funds (see below). • In order to build upon available funds, Dave has proposed a plan to increase dues by $50 to $250/year. This will be discussed at the Annual Meeting. The issue will be reopened annually as needs become clearer.

Short Term Rentals (David)

• Neighborhood facilities are being used by short term renters. Special means of covering RWPOA costs were discussed. The possibility that an annual fee be charged for AirBnb or Vrbq sites has Board support. The appropriate amount for 2024 will be discussed at the Annual Meeting.


• According to our postman, we are now out of available boxes. • On Nov 18, Dave, Doug, and Joan met with Orange Postmaster, David Hogsten, and agreed to the following to expand the number of mailboxes available at the community entrance. o We would provide and install additional boxes to be transferred to USPS ownership to meet future needs of the community. o Doug provided a complete list of mailbox addresses to be used on November 19. o To simplify management and delivery, each lot in Rolling Woods (excluding those on Days Bridge Road which will have direct delivery) would be assigned a box to be placed in order of addresses to assist future mail carriers in accurate delivery of the mail. o Dave acquired and installed, at a very low cost, additional mailboxes to meet our current and future needs.

• A new postmaster was assigned. Local postmasters have significant authority and the new postmaster decided not to progress our plan. The USPS will continue to own and manage the existing boxes. The new boxes are our responsibility. Delivery slots will not be changed. • The USPS will continue to provide new keys to the old boxes at a cost. • The RWPOA will own and manage the new boxes. Two keys will be provided to members at a cost of $100. • The new boxes extend slightly beyond the roof currently in place. There is also storm damage that needs repair. Dave will design and execute a project to expand and repair the roof. Cost is estimated at $2000. • Our postman, Bruce, is a real asset and looks out for our interests. We’ll attempt to complete the mailbox project while he is still our primary contact.

Common Area

• Dock repairs have been undertaken continuously. • The board continues to review options to replace the decking in the future with polymeric material (longer lifespan). • This program will be a major investment. We obtained an estimate of a dock replacement project, and it totaled at least $150,000, so the project will not be undertaken until we have saved enough from dues to pay for the project and will avoid a special assessment, if possible. • A notice was sent in the Annual Mailing identifying those slips requiring Maintenance work. Remember, the dock is owned by the Association. The stringers are the responsibility of the slip owners. Among those identified as needing maintenance is one owned by the Association. Dave will attend to the problem.


• The lawn mowing contract has been quite successful since 2018. The contractor, Kenny Snow, provides the service at a very reasonable price.

Annual Meeting

• As has been the case in past, the Association will provide fried chicken, drinks and paper products at the meeting, scheduled for May 6, 11 AM in the Common Area. Rain location is Harrison house at 7305 Hidden Brook Road. • We request that additional food be provided in covered dishes by the membership.

                                          Attachment I

Treasurers Report as of April 1, 2023

General Fund Balance Checking Account as of 3/27/23 $5,243.68

Plus Total Credits $11,970.00

Total Expenditures $40,192.44

($20000 CD $20000 money market)

General Fund Balance as of April 1, 2023 $5,243.68

Money market fund $20,000.00

Reserve fund (CD) $20,000.00

Current Fund Status from January 9th through April 1, 2023

General Fund Balance as of April 1, 2023 $5,243.68 Money Market $20,000.00 Reserve fund (CD) $20,000.00

Outstanding Dues - Prior Year $5,225.00 Outstanding Dues - Current Year $7,450.00

Current Total Funds $25,243.68

Total Anticipated Funds $37,918.68

Total members late on dues 9 Total members not paid this year 21

May 15, 2022

Board meeting proposed for Sept 10, 2022 More to follow.

May 15th, 2022 11am RWPOA ANNUAL MEETING Notes President Loving called the meeting to order at 11:05. Attendance was less than normal because of the double postponement and the fact that the meeting was held on a Sunday. Fulle meeting notes are posted in the Annual Meeting Notes section.

Board Elections • Jim Herdman and Pete Barry have resigned from the Board. The Board thanks them for their service. • Cathy Hillyard was elected Vice President • Joan Harrison was elected Treasurer • Doug Harrison was elected Secretary • Millie Miller was elected to the Board • David Loving (President), Terry Thornton, and Kyle Bennett continue in their position on the Board

There are currently 7 Board members. The maximum is nine. We continue to solicit volunteers for the Board.

Treasurer’s Report

Joan presented the Treasurer’s Report with the Budget for 2022-3. The Report is shown in the full meeting notes.

Joan noted a significant number of delinquencies on dues even though only 3 are now chronic. Dave is working on collection.

There was discussion of the application of penalties for late payment. It was suggested that applying the penalty for as many years as a specific payment is late would provide an incentive for quicker payment. It was pointed out that the original application of penalties was done in that way and it had the opposite effect. More payments were delinquent. When we switched back to single penalty for a single late payment, delinquencies were reduced.

With dues now at $200/yr, the RWPOA is building up a reserve for replacement of the docks when it is deemed necessary. Joan had the contractor who built the Frazier’s Landing docks provide an estimate of the cost of replacement ($160,000). He also estimated the remaining life at 10 to 20 years. It appears that our current accumulation of funds will allow replacement of the docks when needed without special assessment, as long as we continue to replace bad boards as has been done for the past few years under Mark and Dave.

Hardship can be requested to delay payment of dues. (Only 1 of the 3 long term delinquencies claimed hardship.)

$3000 is being kept in reserve for road repair. 3 Bids were obtained on road repair with correction of drainage design error. Low bid was $1500 with supplemental gravel as contingency. Only the lower half of the drive needs work. **

Current Business

  1. Covenants Ballots: 48 Ballots received, need 64 yes votes to change anything. POA act takes precedence over by- laws. There was much discussion of tabulation of all covenant violations as a means of incenting more votes in favor of change. It was also noted that proposed simplification of the covenant rules would bring most into compliance. It was agreed that Dave would continue soliciting ballot approvals by discussing the potential benefits of simplification.

  2. Docks and Common Area: Docks: Bad boards replaced and stained. Cleaned up around the dock area and benches repaired and stained. Replaced broken ladder with new one provided by Terry Thornton. Many thanks to all the volunteers for their service.

  3. Many thanks to Pam and Terry Thornton for their years of service maintaining the front gardens. They have done a wonderful job, but they both must step back as it is getting too much for them to maintain with their schedule. We are looking for volunteers who might be interested in resuming what they have accomplished.

New Business


  1. AIRB&B: The law in Virginia is simple. An AIRB&B is a residential home and meets our current covenants.
  2. Fees for AirBnB for short rentals and common area use will be considered. It’s also important rental providers carry all liabilities, not the RWPOA. It was also suggested that rental providers also provide lists of users and cars to the RWPOA. No decision yet. Andy Feinstein pointed out that hedge are funds looking for neighborhoods in which to invest based on future rental income potential. Possibility of modifications to the Covenants will be considered.
  3. The definition of “weekly” in the covenants is unclear.

Mailbox Area

The big pine tree has been removed. The bulletin board has been replaced. We will replace the roof before winter due to damage from January's winter storm.


We have purchased three new Buoys and will install them this month. 3rd Buoy will be a designated hazard zone.


All residents are reminded that mowing is impossible if residents and owners do not remove debris from the mowing area.


Purchase and installation of 3 cameras, 1 at the gate and 2 at the docks has been approved.


• Drainage systems need to be surveyed for damage. It was questioned whether lot owners or VDOT are responsible.
• The VDOT Right of Way width was questioned. • Complaint filed for damage to properties during storm cleanup by FEMA contractor.

Port-a-potty Please do not leave dog droppings or bags anywhere in the common area (Including the port-a-potty.)

Trash Cans Now that there is trash service in the neighborhood, members are requested to move trash cans off the road on non-pickup days.


Thanks to all for the contributions to a great lunch

March 1, 2021


To: RWPOA Members

As you know, we have been working for quite a while to revise our covenants due to outdated material and the desire of many members to change some of the provisions within the document. We have finally been able to put together a ballot following the advice of our attorney. As you know, former Secretary, Doug Harrison, posted on our old website those concerns, compiled those together, and came up with a rough draft for a new covenants document.

We have been in conference with our attorney and, upon further examination, have learned that because of state and local Association laws and practices, there are some clauses that, while we may view them as outdated (such as references to the private roads), we may not delete without inadvertently nullifying the Homeowners Association altogether. However, it is permissible by law to write an amendment to some of the rules within the document, such as fence styles, number of sheds, dogs, etc. With this in mind, we have made every effort to include the input we have received from members on our ballot for a vote.

The ballot is the next step within the legal process to make amendments, and a response from everyone is necessary in order to make the changes. We have designed it so that the original clause, as you have in your files, is presented first, under “Original provision as stated”, and then the changed version, “Proposed provision as stated”. This is a line-by-line ballot, so some provisions might pass while others might not. Once we tally the votes for each new provision, the board will determine if it is financially responsible to proceed with the amendments. As some or all of these proposed changes could affect you personally, it is heartily advised that you insure that your voice is heard.

In closing, we know that Covid-19 has presented its challenges. Rest assured that we have been working behind the scenes to accomplish many of the objectives we have set out to do prior to the pandemic and will continue to do so in service to all of our members. Stay safe, everyone.

Please return your ballot to: RWPOA, PO Box 661, Orange, Va. 22960 and write “Ballot” in the lower, left hand corner of the envelope. Thank you!

David Loving
President, RWPOA



I (We)signature/s______________ owner/s of lot/s___________ date ____________in Rolling Woods Subdivision, Spotsylvania County, Virginia and I(We) hereby consent to amend (make changes to) the recorded Deed of Dedication, Restriction and Easement for Rolling Woods Subdivision, dated March 23, 1987, as follows:


The original provision states as follows: [No structure shall be erected or altered to remain on any residential building lot other than one detached single- family dwelling, and a private garage for not more than three automobiles, which private garage may be attached to and a part of the dwelling house or may be a separate free-standing structure. . .]

The amended provision states as follows: [No structure shall be erected or altered to remain on any residential building lot other than one detached single family dwelling and a private garage for not more than four automobiles, which private garage may be attached to a and a part of the dwelling house or may be a separate free-standing structure. . .]

Vote Yes or No

The original provision states as follows: [There shall be allowed one utility shed on any residential building lot, provided, however, that such shed not be a metal shed, and provided, further, that such shed’s exterior must conform to that of the dwelling house.]

The amended provision states as follows: [There shall be allowed two utility sheds on any residential building lot, provided, further, that such shed’s exterior(s) complement (s) the dwelling house. This provision shall not be construed to define deck boxes and small storage containers that can moved manually by one or two persons as utility sheds. Up to two metal carports may be located upon any lot, provided that they complement the dwelling house, and that they comply with Spotsylvania County building and/or zoning ordinances.]

Vote Yes or No


Original Provision as stated: [Except as provided hereinafter no fences shall be permitted on any residential building lots. There shall be allowed a split rail fence of no more than three (3) rails. Where a private swimming pool is constructed on any lot, a privacy fence, not to exceed five (5) feet in height, around the perimeter of the pool shall be permitted, unless a greater height is required by state law or regulation, in which case said greater height shall be allowed.

Proposed Provision as stated: . [Chain link or barbed wire fences are forbidden. The chain link prohibition herein does not apply to prefabricated dog enclosures for the containment of pet dogs. Privacy fences shall not exceed six (6) feet in height unless required by state or county regulation. Split firewood must be stacked.]

Vote Yes or No


Original Provision as stated: [No lot within the subdivision shall be used except for residential purposes. No trade or business of any kind or character nor the practice of any profession, nor any building structure designed or intended for any purpose connected with any trade, business, or profession, shall be permitted upon any lot. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any lot owner from renting or leasing any house constructed upon the lot either on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

Proposed Provision as stated: [No residential lot within the subdivision shall be used for the purpose of conducting brick and mortar trade that requires substantial incoming and outgoing traffic of customers or the use and storage of vehicles having more than two axles. Nothing herein shall prevent any lot owner from operating an incidental or e-commerce business as described by Spotsylvania County law that is conducted within a home office or studio or prevent any lot owner from renting or leasing any house constructed upon the lot either on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.]

Vote Yes or No


Original provision as stated: [ Owners of lots in said subdivision, whether said lots be built upon or not, shall keep their lots free of weeds, undergrowth, garbage, and unsightly debris and litter.]

Proposed provision as stated: [Owners of lots in said subdivision, whether the lots be built upon or not, shall keep their lots free of garbage, unsightly debris, and litter.]

Vote Yes or No


Original provision as stated: [No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done therein which may be or be-
come an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No trash or garbage shall be permitted to be burned on any lot. This shall not be construed to prevent the DECLARANT or owner of any lot from burning brush on said lot where such burning is used as a means of maintaining the lot free of weeds and brush or cleaning the Lot prior to construction.
No trucks or heavy equipment. . .shall not apply to any properly licensed and operable pickup truck or 4-wheel passenger vehicle of any lot owner. No . . .unlicensed or inoperable. . . No junk piles or tires. . .on any lot.]

Proposed provision as stated; [No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done therein which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood No trash or garbage shall be permitted to be burned on any lot.
This shall not be construed to prevent the DECLARANT or owner of any lot from burning brush on said lot where such
burning is used as a means o f maintaining the developed lot or cleaning the lot prior to construction. No trucks or heavy equipment. . .shall not apply to any properly licensed and operable pickup truck or 4-wheel passenger vehicle of any lot owner. No . . . unlicensed or inoperable . . . No junk piles or tires. . . on any lot. Security floodlights and/or security cameras designed to protect individual lots shall be positioned in a manner that serves to illuminate and/or record and monitor only said lot.]

Vote Yes/No


Original Provision as stated: [No swine, cows, horses, goats, chickens, roosters, turkeys, geese, ducks, nor any other type of poultry or fowl, and no commercial livestock or poultry project shall be maintained within said subdivision, nor shall any dog pens, kennels or other such projects involving the rearing, handling or care and maintenance of animals in numbers be conducted or maintained within the subdivision.
Owners shall be permitted to bring domestic pets, such as dogs and cats, to the lots. Notwithstanding the restrictions of paragraph 1 above, each lot owner shall be entitled to construct a dog house, for the housing of no more than two dogs, on any lot. No such domestic pets shall be allowed to remain within the subdivision, except during such time or ties as the owner of the lot is present, or the pets are otherwise provided for.

Proposed Provision as stated: [ No swine, cows, horses, goats, roosters, turkeys, geese, ducks, nor any other poultry or fowl, and no commercial livestock or poultry project shall be maintained within said subdivision, nor shall any dog pens, kennels or other such projects involving the rearing, handling or care and maintenance of animals in numbers be conducted or maintained within this subdivision. Owners shall be permitted to bring domestic pets such as dogs cats, rabbits, hamsters, fish and reptiles etc. or birds such as parakeets, that are solely pets, provided, however that said pets shall not be defined as exotic animals to the lots.,
Notwithstanding the restrictions of paragraph 1 above, each lot owner shall be entitled to construct a dog house and enclosure for no more than 4 dogs, one rabbit hutch for not more than 2 rabbits, and one chicken coop for the housing of no more than 8 hens. Hens shall not be free roaming, nor shall roosters be permitted on any lot. No animal shall be allowed to remain within the subdivision, except during such time or times as the owner of the lot is present, or the pets are otherwise provided for.]



Original Provision as stated [No signs of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except one sign, meeting the Spotsylvania County regulations for such signs, advertising the property for sale. Provided, however, that on a waterfront lot, if permitted by the Spotsylvania County regulations then in effect, two such signs advertising the property for sale shall be allowed at any one time, one sign on the lot adjacent to the adjoining road, and one sign on the waterfront side of said lot.]

Proposed Provision as stated: [No commercial signs of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except one sign, meeting the Spotsylvania County regulations for such signs, advertising the property for sale. Provided, however, that on a waterfront lot, if permitted by the Spotsylvania County regulations then in effect, two such signs advertising the property for sale shall be allowed at any one time, one sign on the lot adjacent to the adjoining road, and one sign on the waterfront side of said lot.]

Vote Yes or No

##March 26, 2022 Board Meeting##

Most recent Board Meeting Notes are available in the the menu on the upper left side of this page. Please review the Meeting Notes see the actions taken at the last meeting.

We remind all property owners that clearing blockage from the ditches along the roads is the responsibility of the property owners not the mowing contractor. When he reaches a point in the mowing area that's filled with debris he is allowed to bypass the area. My most recent dock ownership map is below (Revised 8-31)